13.11.2018 13:50
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Winners of international competition of wines and spirits announced!

Winners of international competition of wines and spirits announced!

International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine" finished its work on November 9, 2018. The competition was held under the patronage of OIV, in accordance with strict rules of international wine contests. The contest was organized by the Oenologists Union of Georgia. The international operator of the competition was the Moldovan company PPE, the owner of the brand "Eurasia Wine & Spirits Competition" and the experienced organizer of such events.

The jury consisted of experts from France, Hungary, China, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Spain, Moldova, Germany, Italy, Australia, Romania, Georgia.

The competition was attended by companies from Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Israel, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. In total 202 samples have been presented.

According to the results of the contest, 59 awards were awarded:

One Medal medal "Grand Prix",

Three great Gold medals,

32 Gold Medals,

23 Silver Medals.

The Grand Prix Medal was awarded to the Moldovan Divin "Imperiul călărași" (50 years), earning 96.9 points out of a hundred possible.

Three gold medals of "great gold" received the wines of companies Vazi + LTD, Götz Winery and Wine company Shumi by typing in the valuation from 93.1 to 92.6 points.

The Georgian wine "Saperavi Qvevri 2017" of the company Vazi + LTD (87.9 points) received the first place by the number of points in the number of gold medals.

It should be noted that for the first time in the history of wine contests Georgian Kvavry was represented on such scale – 52 samples. This made it possible to evaluate it within the work of one Commission, which ensured a qualitative and objective assessment. In addition, the company Vazi + LTD received a gold medal for the liqueur "Cherrie liqueur", it is the only liqueur in the list of winners. His score 89.6 points

Also it is possible to allocate in a number of awards the victory of the Russian winemakers for wine received from traditionally Georgian sort of grapes sapavi. "Saperavi. Chateau Tamagne Reserve" of Kuban-Vino company received a gold medal.

For the first time in the history of EAWSC contests the Georgian vodka received the gold medal. It was introduced by Irbo company. From three grades the award has deserved "Grandfather’s Vodka with aroma of a peach".

The next international competition under the ESWC brand will be held in Chisinau on February 27-28, 2019.

International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine
International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine

International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine
International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine

International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine
International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine

International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine
International competition of wines and spirits EAWSC "Georgia-homeland of wine

Jean-Marie Aurand  France OIV General Director
Jean-Marie Aurand France OIV General Director

Ньюсмейкер: PPE SRL — 3 публикации


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